Leukemia ?Patient Variation - National Cancer Start

Leukemia ?Patient Version


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Leukemia is cancer of the body cells. Most blood cells kind inside the bone marrow. In leukemia body cells form and group out the balanced body cells in the bone marrow.

The sort of leukemia depends upon the kind of blood cell that's become cancerous. For instance, acute lymphoblastic leukemia is really a melanoma of the lymphoblasts (bright body cells that combat disease). White blood cells are blood cell's most common kind to become melanoma. But red blood cells (tissues that hold air from your lungs towards the remaining body) and platelets (cells that clot the bloodstream) could also become cancer.

Leukemia happens frequently in people which is the frequent melanoma in kids younger than 15 years.

Leukemia is not either chronic or persistent. Severe leukemia is really a fast growing melanoma that usually gets worse easily. Serious leukemia is a slower- developing melanoma that gets slowly with time. The treatment and prognosis for leukemia depend on the kind of blood cell whether the leukemia is intense or long-term and impacted. Chemotherapy is frequently used to address leukemia.

Key research about leukemia 1975-2010, from your Cancer Research Review.